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Microsoft is coming up on its cocky-imposed deadline to launch the Autumn Creators Update, which has an estimated delivery engagement in September. Given this relatively short fourth dimension frame, nosotros'd have expected Windows x Insider builds to be feature-complete by now, and we've covered what some of those features are and what benefits they'll offering. Microsoft, however, seems to take other ideas. The new Build 16251 contains several new features and capabilities debuting for the start time.

Kickoff off, there's a new option to sync Android devices and Windows 10 PCs, with support for Apple'southward iPhone arriving "very, very soon." Hither'south how Microsoft describes the process:

Later you lot've linked your phone, just go to your phone and outset browsing the spider web. When you lot are at a website you want to view on your PC, simply invoke the native share feel on your phone and share the website to the "Go on on PC" option… Once invoked, it will first ask you lot to sign in with your Microsoft Account. It is of import you use the aforementioned business relationship y'all are using on your PC. Side by side it volition ask yous if y'all want to "Go on now" or "Continue later". If you choose "Continue now", the website will magically open on the linked PC. If you cull to "Continue later", the website will show up nether Activeness Center for you to get to afterward.


The three-stride process for linking an Android device and a Win10 PC.

Next up is the ability for Cortana to brandish results without opening a web browser. I don't use Cortana — I'thousand non interested in digital administration, given the kind of data they tin can passively collect and the complete lack of parity between consumers and companies when it comes to ToS and EULA terms — but if you use the feature, you'll probable find this helpful. In the Autumn Creators Update, Cortana tin brandish many different kinds of data, including movie times, glory news, stock prices, flight condition, and the weather, without ever opening a browser window. In the consequence that she can't call up the information you lot're looking for, the pick to open a spider web search is notwithstanding bachelor.


Cortana tin also at present restart, plow off, sign off, shutdown, or lock your PC. This is a great adequacy ,and Microsoft notes that in some cases, Cortana will enquire you to confirm your decision (if, for example, yous ask her to shut the PC off). This feature seems ripe for practical jokes from siblings to co-workers.

Adjacent, in that location's what Microsoft is calling an improved Kick Upwards Experience. The OS will now allow you to automatically log dorsum into your PC after you lot reboot information technology via actions taken on the Start Menu or via command line. It's an optional feature and information technology definitely won't work in higher-security environments. The 2 new command line options are:

shutdown /sg
Shutdown the calculator. On the next boot, restart any registered applications.

shutdown /g
Total shutdown and restart the figurer. After the organisation is rebooted, restart any registered applications.


Finally, Windows Continuum — the selection to share data between the OS on your Windows Phone and your desktop Os — is getting an update to work properly in portrait mode. Previously, property your telephone in portrait way didn't actually do anything; all information and information was all the same presented in landscape form. Yous'll still have to activate portrait mode yourself, and you'll need to unplug and replug your external monitor (if nowadays) when you switch between portrait and landscape. Still, the fact that the OS can exercise this at all is a nice nod to the handful of Windows x Phone users even so holding onto promise.

There's also a full range of bug updates and fixes available here. One noteworthy patch caught my middle: "We fixed an issue resulting in explorer.exe using an unexpectedly loftier amount of CPU in contempo flights when sure apps such as Microsoft Edge were running." This is something I've periodically seen happen on my own Windows 10 installation if Edge is left running. Hopefully today'southward update fixes that outcome.


One concluding tidbit: The previously added Game Monitor option, which appears to exist some kind of global anti-cheat software product, has been renamed "TruePlay," just is not currently active. While it's meant to prevent player cheating, it'southward not articulate if this is a programmer-centric initiative to provide hooks and executable monitoring at the OS level, or if MS sees the feature as something they might require to let Xbox Ane'due south and PCs to play against each other in multi-player. There are other options as well, just the company has been mum on what its plans are.