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A new written report claims a sedentary lifestyle could be a prime way for a species to avoid extinction. Before you lot go canceling your gym membership, you have to ask yourself one vital question: Are you a clam? If the reply is no, y'all might desire to keep pumping iron. Scientists from the Academy of Kansas analyzed clam extinctions over millions of years, finding the laziest species had the lowest chance of extinction.

The team led past postdoctoral researcher Luke Strotz used mollusks for this analysis for several reasons. For one, there are a lot of mollusks in the fossil record, peculiarly in the Western Atlantic. Yous can also assess the metabolic aspects of a mollusk from fossils. This allowed the team to analyze 299 different species of extinct and living mollusks across more than 5 million years from the mid-Pliocene to the present.

Overall, extinct mollusks are more likely to have higher metabolic levels. That ways they need more resources to flourish than a "low-free energy" species. This isn't universally truthful, though. The researchers noted that species with narrow ranges were most afflicted by high metabolic activity. A clam that lives only in a certain area and has high metabolic activity is potentially in trouble. Meanwhile, a species with high metabolic activity that occupies wide ranges of ocean is in better shape.

Interestingly, the overall metabolic rate of mollusk communities tends to remain consistent over time. Some animals might go extinct, merely others rise upwardly into their "metabolic niche." The team expected metabolic action in a region to fluctuate or tendency downwardly as more vulnerable species died off.

The Great Barrier Reef, which is under attack from ocean acidification

The Swell Bulwark Reef, which is under attack from ocean acidification

This isn't only an bookish question — an agreement of which species are most vulnerable could exist vital equally climatic change pushes global temperatures higher. Nosotros might fifty-fifty be able to mitigate the effects of warming oceans if we can pinpoint the organisms that are at adventure because of a college metabolic charge per unit. Research has suggested that the climate will continue warming even if we drastically cutting greenhouse gas emissions. This is information that we'll demand to accept.

The next footstep for the squad is to assess how much impact metabolic rates have on extinction for other types of animals. It's at least plausible that other marine animals volition showroom similar patterns. Proving a similar correlation on state would exist much more difficult, but the team will attempt to find out.

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