
Can You Deposit Money Into A Pod Account After The Owner Has Died

Retired couple working with their lawyer on an estate planPayable on death accounts can help streamline the process of transferring certain assets to loved ones later on yous pass away. Also referred to equally a POD account or Totten trust, a payable on death account can be established at a bank or credit union and is transferrable to the casher of your choosing. There are unlike reasons for including a payable on death business relationship in your estate plan and it's helpful to understand how they piece of work when deciding whether to create one. Estate planning is best done with the counsel of a financial counselor, who tin can assist you coordinate your investment goals with your end-of-life wishes.

Payable on Decease Account, Explained

A payable on death account is a type of bank account that can be used for estate planning purposes. You tin create this type of account at a banking company or credit union and your banking company may also let you catechumen any existing accounts you accept to a POD account.

The difference between a traditional bank business relationship and a POD account is that the latter has a named beneficiary. This is someone you cull to receive any assets held in the account when yous pass away. Depending on your bank, y'all may exist able to name multiple beneficiaries for the same account or choose a primary beneficiary, along with one or more successor or contingent beneficiaries.

How a Payable on Death Account Works

A payable on death business relationship is but any banking concern account that has a named beneficiary. For case, a POD account tin be a:

  • Checking business relationship
  • Savings account
  • Coin market account
  • Certificate of deposit account

What makes a depository financial institution account a payable on death account is having a named beneficiary. It's upward to y'all to decide who to name. If you're married, your spouse might be a logical selection. But if you're unmarried, divorced, widowed or separated yous might cull an adult child, sibling or some other relative instead.

During your lifetime, you take command over the assets held in a POD business relationship. So if you name a beneficiary for your checking account, for case, you'd still be able to spend money in the account equally y'all ordinarily would.

Once you pass away, the assets held in a payable on death business relationship would be transferred to the beneficiary. Typically, they'd need to show proof of identification and a copy of the death certificate before the transfer can exist completed. State laws vary, and so information technology's important to understand how the process works when choosing a casher.

Pros of Payable on Death Accounts

Older couple working with a financial advisor on their estate planAt that place are several benefits associated with using POD accounts to transfer assets. Showtime, assets that are passed to someone else through a POD account are not discipline to probate. The probate process, which is a legal process in which your assets are inventoried, debts are paid and remaining assets distributed to your heirs, tin can be time-consuming and costly. Setting up a payable on death account allows the beneficiary you name for that account to sidestep information technology for any assets held in that account.

That's an advantage if you lot want to ensure that your beneficiary is able to access cash quickly later you laissez passer away. Even if you have a volition and a life insurance policy in place, those don't necessarily guarantee a quick payout to handle things similar burying or funeral expenses or any outstanding debts that need to be paid. A POD account could brand information technology easier for your loved ones to go the funds they need right away to pay for those and other expenses.

Information technology'southward important to go on in heed that beneficiaries can't access any of the money in a POD account while y'all're live. On one mitt, that could exist seen every bit a pro since you lot don't have to worry near them spending down the assets without your knowledge. But it too has the potential to exist a con in sure situations.

Cons of Payable on Expiry Accounts

As mentioned, beneficiaries of a POD account can't tap the coin while the primary business relationship owner is withal living. That could exist problematic if you become incapacitated and your loved ones need money to help pay for medical care. In that case, having assets in a trust or a jointly owned bank business relationship could be to your reward.

Another con is that yous can't change the beneficiary of a POD account in one case you name someone. So if they pass away before you do and in that location are no other beneficiaries named to follow afterwards them, the business relationship would be subject area to the normal probate process.

Payable on Death Account vs. Trust

You lot may exist wondering whether payable on death accounts are better than trusts for manor planning. Trusts allow you lot to transfer avails to the command of a trustee on behalf of one more beneficiaries. You lot tin act every bit a trustee or accept someone else fulfill that role during your lifetime and after you laissez passer away.

Technically, POD accounts are a type of trust. Once again, banks may reference them as Totten trusts, informal trusts or tentative trusts. The difference is that they're easier and less expensive to fix than a traditional living trust. And of class, they only focus on assets held in a banking company account.

Setting up a payable on death business relationship could make sense if you want to make certain your beneficiaries have a source of ready cash when you pass away. But you may even so demand a living trust if y'all have other assets yous want to transfer, such every bit real estate, vehicles, investments or business assets.

How to Gear up a Totten Trust or POD Account

Estate Planning key on a keyboard

If you're interested in creating a payable on expiry account, the beginning step is contacting your bank. They can tell y'all whether it'due south possible to add a beneficiary designation to whatsoever existing accounts y'all accept or whether y'all'd need to create a new business relationship. From there, y'all'd need to determine who yous want to add together equally a casher. Retrieve that once you make a casher designation it cannot exist changed. So you need to exist reasonably sure that the person you choose will outlive you and manage any assets they receive responsibly.

Next, you'd want to permit the person you lot're naming as casher know that you lot're creating a POD account. This fashion, they tin familiarize themselves with what they'll need to do to claim any assets in the account one time the time comes.

Finally, compare the terms of the POD account with the terms specified for those assets in your volition. In most cases, a payable on expiry account can override a volition so reviewing your wishes can help avoid any potential conflicts among your heirs after you pass abroad.

The Bottom Line

Whether yous phone call it a payable on decease account or a Totten trust, this type of account can serve a useful purpose when creating an manor plan. If you're not sure whether you need a POD account, your financial advisor may be able to shed some light on when it makes sense.

Tips for Manor Planning

  • Consider talking to a financial counselor almost the best means to pass on bank accounts, investment accounts and other assets. If yous don't have a financial advisor still, finding ane doesn't accept to be complicated. SmartAsset's fiscal counselor matching tool makes information technology easy to connect with professional advisors in your local area. If you're ready, become started now.
  • Until you know what you'll have to retire on no estate plan can be consummate. A complimentary, easy-to-use retirement calculator tin can give you a quick and authentic idea of whether you have reached your fiscal goals.
  • A transfer on expiry account automatically transfers its assets to a named beneficiary when the holder dies  For example, if you have a savings account with $100,000 in it and name your son as its beneficiary, that account would transfer to him upon your death.

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Rebecca Lake Rebecca Lake is a retirement, investing and estate planning proficient who has been writing near personal finance for a decade. Her expertise in the finance niche besides extends to home buying, credit cards, banking and small business concern. She's worked directly with several major financial and insurance brands, including Citibank, Observe and AIG and her writing has appeared online at U.S. News and World Report, and Investopedia. Rebecca is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and she also attended Charleston Southern University as a graduate student. Originally from central Virginia, she now lives on the North Carolina coast forth with her two children.


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